Government Polytechnic Jagannathpur is came into existence in the year 2018. The Institution is offering Diploma Programmes in Civil Engg., Computer Enng., Electrical & Electronics Engg., Electrical Engg., & Mechanical Engg. Presently the Institution building is in the 5 acres of land and there is additional 5 acres of land where complete building has to be developed.
In order to produce diploma level technical man power of desired quality and standard institution has qualified faculty and other resources to suit with fast changing technological innovation and inventions.
Programme Structure and Contents have been revised recently with the help of experienced faculty in the guidance of NITTR Kolkata.
Government Polytechnic, Jagannathpur Provide Industry Oriented Technical Education to Rural Students through Excellent Teaching and Learning, Interaction with Industry and Continual Improvement of People Process.
Government Polytechnic, Jagannathpur envisages becoming World-class Centre of learning in all disciplines of higher education in engineering, technology, management and applied sciences embedded with human values.
The Vision of the Institute is to generate and disseminate knowledge through a harmonious blending of Science, Engineering and Technology. To serve the society by developing a modern technology in students' heightened intellectual, cultural, ethical and humane sensitivities, fostering a scientific temper and promoting professional and technological expertise.
The College Hostel, located within the college campus, consists of two blocks, one each for boys and girls. It is a residence hostel for students admitted to Govt. Polytechnic Jagannathpur.
The library offers a range of space for study. You will find the beautiful library reading room and an open study area , and our bright and modern library is a flexible study space arranged for you to work in a way that suits you.
The computer centre of this institute boasts of being called upon “The gateway across the globe”. With over 200 computers, ready to take the students across the geographical boundaries of the land at a speed of 10Mbps dedicated internet leased line.